Cheap Trick: A Dawson Family Novel Read online

Page 13

  “You look good too.”

  “Oh, I know I do.” He flashes a cocky grin and holds out his hand. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” I pick up my purse and go out the hotel room door, rushing hand in hand with Logan to the elevator. We get back into the lobby with a few minutes to spare as everyone waits for Diana. When she and Peter finally come down, everyone coos over her, telling her how pretty she is and how amazing her hair looks.

  My sister is pretty, and I smile when I see her. “You look beautiful,” I say, walking over.

  “Thanks.” Diana beams. Then she looks at my arm. “What is this?” Her eyes go wide, and at first, I think she’s being a concerned older sister. “This is going to stand out in the photos!” And then I realize she’s more concerned about how I’ll look standing up at the altar with her.

  “It’s not that bad.” I look down at the red marks on my arm. “I won’t be so red tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to have to cover it with makeup.”

  Smearing makeup all over the wound is the last thing I want to do, but I smile and nod anyway, because that’s the kind of person I am. It’s Diana’s wedding. I should do all that I can to accommodate her…right?

  Well, as long as it’s within reason. I’m not cutting my hair, but I can dust some powder over the scratches as long as they’ve scabbed over, which they will by the morning. With a huff, Diana goes over to her friends, leaving me feeling a little sad at the relationship we don’t have.

  We’ve never really had one if I’m being honest with myself. Once Dad set his sights on getting me into Yale and following the path he laid out for me, Diana went on the defense and did everything she could to get attention, which usually got her into trouble. And then, along with being the “smart one,” I was the good girl too.

  Logan comes up behind me, and his hand lands on the small of my back. My stomach does a weird flip-flop thing and my pulse quickens. I turn my head to look at his handsome face. His hair is windswept and messy but looks so damn good on him. He got tanner just from that time outside, which I’m totally not jealous about at all.

  My mother calls for everyone to follow her, and we start walking through the hotel. There’s a wedding going on tonight on the beach where Diana and Peter’s ceremony will be held tomorrow, so the rehearsal is taking place on another part of the lawn right outside the resort.

  Logan takes my hand in his. “Gotta uphold appearances, right?” he asks quietly.

  “Right.” I give his hand a squeeze.

  “Please tell me we’re eating first.”

  “Sorry,” I reply. “Rehearsal first. I’m starving too. You’re not in the wedding party, so you don’t have to watch us walk down a fake aisle over and over.”

  “So you’re saying I can get something to eat.”

  “I am. And I’m also saying you could bring me something to snack on.”

  He smiles and pulls his hand from mine. “I’ll be right back then.”

  The wedding planner gets us lined up, going over a few things before we do our trial run. We’re paired up by height, and now I’m standing next to Peter’s brother.

  “Hi,” I say. “I’m Danielle. Diana’s sister.”

  “I thought so. You two look alike. I’m Mike.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Are you enjoying the island?”

  I nod, looking past him to the outdoor bar where Logan went. “I am. A lot. You?”

  “I’ve enjoyed it more in the past,” he laughs. “We brought our kids this time, and they’re still a little young to go out and explore.”

  “How old are they?”

  “Seven and five.”

  “Oh wow, you must have your hands full.”

  Mike nods. “At least the weather is nice, right? They’ve played on the beach all day today. I have sand in places I didn’t know could get sandy.”

  I chuckle and wonder if Mike is a standup guy like he seems right now, or if he’s a dirtbag like Peter. It’s not fair to judge his whole family based on his shitty behavior. I’m nothing like the rest of my family, after all.

  We practice walking down the aisle three times. My left arm sports the scratches, Diana reminds me all three times to keep my body angled so the “gross wounds” don’t show on anyone’s photos they might take and upload to social media before she has a chance to “request they edit them.”

  I spot Logan after the third run and sneak out of the line up to go over to him.

  “You are the best!” I tell him, grabbing a French fry and dipping it into ranch. He knows I prefer it to ketchup.

  “And I got you a strawberry margarita.”

  “You know me so well.” I pick up the drink, suck down a mouthful, and then go back to the line. We walk down the aisle and line up again. Diana wants to run through everything once more, and I rush back over to Logan, quickly eating a few more fries before picking up the margarita.

  The wedding planner says only Diana and Peter need to take a practice run again and the rest of us can relax. I sit next to Logan and pull my phone from my purse as I eat a few more fries. I texted Grandpa early today but haven’t actually spoken to him.

  “Hey, kiddo,” he answers. “Having fun?”

  “I am, actually. How are things at home?”

  “I’m hardly managing without you, which is what you wanted to hear, right?”

  “Maybe just a little.”

  “It’s quiet without you here. And there’s been a bottle of wine in the fridge since last night that’s still full.”

  “Hey,” I say with a laugh. “I don’t like wine that much.” Logan hears and rolls his eyes at me. “I’m glad you’re doing all right without me. But the real question is how’s the bar? Did it fall into ruins without Logan there to manage things?”

  Grandpa laughs, and his laugh turns into a cough. That’s been happening to him lately. “I went there last night. Busy as ever.”

  “That’s good. I don’t know the last time Owen actually worked at work.”

  Logan nods in agreement and picks up the margarita, taking a big drink.

  “Enjoy the rest of your time in Hawaii.”

  “I will, Grandpa.”

  “And Ellie?”


  “Stop worrying and follow your heart.” He ends the call after that, leaving me to think about his words. Logan and I share the rest of the margarita, and when he gets up to recycle the plastic cup, the bridesmaid that was talking to me this morning comes over.


  “Hi,” I say racking my brain for her name. Did she even give it to me? Shit. I don’t remember.

  “I take it you two went to the Bamboo Forest?”

  “We did.”

  She smiles. “Sounds so romantic!”

  I look at Logan. “Yeah. It was.”

  “Ughhhh, I can only imagine. You guys are seriously couple goals.”

  I’m glad we’re outside in fading light. My cheeks are getting red, though to anyone else, they’d probably assume I’m thinking all sorts of naughty thoughts about Logan, not dealing with guilt and regret over the lie.

  “I mean, the way he looks at you. Girl, you are so damn lucky! I’d give anything to have someone look at me like that.”

  I used to say that exact thing. I’d give anything to have someone look at me like that. And here we are…

  “Time to go eat!” my sister calls. The bridesmaid whose name I can’t remember hurries back to the group of girls, and I wait for Logan. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I can’t tell if he’s being genuine or if he’s doing this for show right now.

  We’re eating at an open-air restaurant, with tables in the sand near the ocean. I take off my shoes and squish my toes in the sand under the table. We’re seated at a table with a few other bridesmaids and groomsmen, and my parents are at a table right next to us. My father purposely takes a seat at the end of his table so he can talk to us, which was something I’ve been trying to avoi
d since I’m not the world’s best liar.

  We’re all served red wine, and once we put in our order, I take Logan’s hand and get up, saying we’re going to walk along the water and take a few pictures. Diana, Peter, and another couple are down there, doing the same thing.

  Logan takes my hand and we walk down to the water, going in ankle-deep. I get out my phone to take a few selfies.

  “Want me to take a picture for you?” Diana asks, and I know it’s her way of saying sorry for overreacting earlier. She’s never been one to outright apologize.

  “Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks.” I hand her my phone and step back to Logan’s side. He puts his arm around me, and we both smile.

  “Do something cute,” Diana tells us. “Kiss or something.”

  I look up at Logan, knowing that if we refuse to kiss, it’ll be a dead giveaway that we’re not really together. He knows it too, and I can see the what the hell do we do reflected in his eyes.

  “Come on!” Diana giggles. “Kiss her already!”

  Logan’s lips part and his eyes lock with mine. This isn’t the way our first kiss is supposed to happen—if it ever were to happen at all. It’s not supposed to be forced or done for a show.

  It’s supposed to happen because I can’t stand to go another minute without feeling his lips against mine.

  But then he reaches forward, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. He trails his fingers down my cheek and down to my chin, tipping my face up to his. His hand around my waist pulls me closer, and I twist, turning my body toward his.

  And then he kisses me.

  Chapter 19



  All I see are fireworks.

  Waves crash against the shore, spraying our legs with water. A big one could sweep us out to sea, and I don’t think I’d notice.

  Because Logan Dawson is kissing me.

  The second his lips touched mine, I knew we weren’t acting anymore. Everything faded away, and right now, all I feel is him.

  His lips against mine.

  His arms around me.

  His hips brushing against mine.

  My heart is beating so fast I can feel my pulse throughout my entire body. Every nerve in my body tingles, and the heat that’s rushing through me threatens to burn me from the inside out.

  Logan slides his hand down my back, fingers resting right at the top of my ass. He moves his other hand from my chin to my hair, and my long locks tangle over his fingers. My lips part, welcoming his tongue into my mouth. Knees threatening to buckle, I reach up, needing to hold onto him for support.

  Once my arms are around him, Logan pulls me in even closer, smashing my breasts against his chest. I grip him tight, holding him like my life depends on it. And right now, I suppose it does. Because I will wash out to sea if he stops kissing me.

  Logan leans forward, bending me back as he slips his tongue into my mouth. A small whimper escapes my lips, making him kiss me even harder. He curls his fingers, taking a fistful of my hair.

  I can taste the strawberry margaritas on both our lips, but kissing Logan is more intoxicating than any sort of alcohol.

  Someone shouts something, maybe telling us to get a room? I’m not sure. Their voice is just a distant echo over my pounding heart. I push my hips up against Logan’s, suddenly overtaken by desire. I feel Logan’s cock through his pants, starting to harden against me. I sweep one hand down his shoulder, over his chest, and to his belt.

  All the desire and emotion we’ve pent up over the year that we’ve been friends comes rushing out at a dizzying rate, and I want nothing more than to give in and give Logan everything.

  Need for him swells inside me, and Logan starts to bunch up my dress with his fingers. I move my hand to the buckle on his belt, ready to undo it, pull it out of the belt loops, and unbutton his pants.

  Suddenly, we both break apart at the same time, realizing how close we’re coming to laying each other down right here in the sand, in front of my entire family and a few dozen strangers.



  Logan just kissed me, and it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. The entire world faded around me in a way I never thought possible. That kiss was the thing romance novels center around. The subject of poems and love songs.

  And if one kiss is that amazing, doing anything more…I don’t know if I can handle it.

  Breathless, I suck in air, blinking up at Logan. He’s staring back at me with the same look in his eye, one that says what the hell just happened as well as why the hell didn’t we do that sooner?

  “I got a few good ones,” Diana says, reminding me that she’s here with us. Taking photos of Logan and me.





  “Th…thanks,” I mumble, still not able to tear my eyes away from Logan. That’s not the way I thought our first kiss would happen, but now that it did, I can’t see it playing out any other way.

  Logan moves his hand from the back of my head to my arm, gently running his fingers over my flesh and making goosebumps break out along my arm. He pulls me close once more when I shiver, and his body is so warm, so welcoming. It feels so right. I don’t want to move away.

  “Oh, appetizers are here!” Diana extends the phone to me, but I still can’t move. Logan keeps one arm around me and reaches forward, taking my phone. We need to go to the table and eat, acting like everything is normal.

  Like we kiss all the time.

  Which we would, if we were really engaged.

  Blinking, I tear my eyes away from Logan. We’re not that far from the table, and the smell of food wafts through the air. I’m starving and not hungry at the same time. Another wave, bigger than the others, comes to shore, spraying us with water. Logan drops his hand from my body, and I miss his touch immediately.

  “We should go eat,” he says, voice somehow coming out strong and steady. I’m not sure I can string two words together and make a sentence right now. Everything inside me is running around, hands waving in the air and screaming with excitement.

  Nothing has ever felt so right or natural than my lips connecting with Logan. Another surge of warmth goes through me when I think about connecting in other ways. I get wet just thinking about Logan on top of me, biceps flexed as he holds himself up. Lining his cock up to my core as I bend my legs and tilt my hips toward his.


  I blink and realize I’ve been standing here holding my breath. It’s just a kiss. I’ve been kissed before. I’ve had sex before. Lots of sex. So why do I feel like a virginal schoolgirl standing here before her crush?

  Logan is doing bad, bad things to me…and I don’t want him to stop. I know we need to go to the table and put on a different kind of act when we really need to talk about what just happened.

  But mostly, I want him to kiss me again.

  “Wait,” I blurt and take his hand. My heart starts hammering again. What if that was just a fake kiss to him? What if he didn’t react the same way I did? Physically, I know he enjoyed it, and my eyes flick to his cock of their own accord.

  Logan moves his hand up, slipping his fingers through mine. “For what?”

  “For you to kiss me again.”

  Chapter 20


  She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I rush forward, water splashing around my ankles, and wrap her in a tight embrace. Her arms go around my shoulders, and it’s like our bodies were made to come together like this.

  The moment my lips touch hers, I know I’m a goner. Kissing her harder than I did before, I don’t know how we’re going to stop. I’ve wanted to kiss Danielle since the first time I saw her. I’ve thought about it many times.

  And this is better than anything I imagined.

  I widen my legs and pull her closer, bending her back a bit as we kiss. My tongue goes in her mouth, and she slips one hand under my shirt, raking her nails over the skin on my back. Desire floods my ve
ins, and I want nothing more than to pick her up and carry her back to our room.

  “Hey, love birds!” someone shouts. “Time to eat!”

  We should stop. Take a pause and come back to this. I’m still holding Danielle’s phone and my grip is slipping. It’s about to drop into the ocean, but I can’t move away from Danielle.

  Finally, we break apart, needing to get some air. I put Danielle’s phone in my pocket before I accidentally drop it. My heart is racing, and I can’t catch my breath to save my life. The wind picks up, blowing Danielle’s damp hair around her face. I push it back and bring my lips to hers once more.

  When I move away, she looks up at me and smiles. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I know this isn’t a game of pretend anymore. Not for me, and not for her.

  “Now we really should go,” I tell her.

  “Right.” She nods, looking at the table. Her arms are still around my neck, and she slowly drags them down, splaying her fingers over my chest. Her lips pull up into a smile. “I am really turned on right now.”

  “Me too.”

  She looks down at my semi-hard cock and bites her lip. Fuck, she’s hot. “Yeah, I can tell. And that’s making me even more turned on.”

  “Knowing you’re getting even more turned on is turning me on even more.”

  We both laugh, and Danielle lets out a deep breath. “Logan…I…I…”

  “Danielle!” her mother calls. “We need to say grace. Please come to the table!”

  “We’ll talk about it later.” I take her hand and take a deep breath, slowly letting it out to try and calm myself down. I’m so revved up I can hardly stand it. I’m getting turned on all over again just by looking at Danielle.

  I pull her chair out for her at the table and then go around, taking my seat across from her. Something needs to be said about what just happened…doesn’t it? I can’t seem to form a coherent thought, and suddenly everything I thought I knew about dating goes out the window.